By Agha Zain, Senior Director of Product Management
My Why 
I have always been interested in the psychology and history of how things work in this world. I started off my career with a very strong technical background, having a Computer Science degree, an MBA in Strategic Management, and an ongoing second Master’s in IT. With this knowledge, I not only learned more about how things work, but to also think differently about how things COULD work.
My why coincides with what I love about Firmatek. Firmatek is a successful company that has been around for decades. Unlike most traditional companies where the focus is solely on being bought or going public, Firmatek’s main focus is helping and innovating for customers, the industry, and internal employees for the coming decades.
That is why I love being here— we don’t overly emphasize what we can do to increase the company’s net value. We focus on what we can do to make the customer’s life and their future better in both the short and long term. Our entire focus is on how everything can be done and improved for today, tomorrow, the next year, and beyond. Being a part of the future and direction of the company is tremendously rewarding.
Living My Purpose Through Firmatek
My passion and excitement for taking Firmatek to the next level is as much, if not more, than it was the first week I joined. While I manage people and many processes, I am fully hands-on and work directly with several members of the team. Working daily with people like Chris (you may have read his Why), allows me to focus on the customer and ensure the company continues moving forward. Additionally, by working with our customers daily I gain a unique perspective about what they want and need to improve their operational workflows.
Connecting to Firmatek’s purpose through making our clients happy is as important to my Why as innovation. Innovation is about asking the hard questions that have not been asked before. It’s also a core value at Firmatek. My role is to focus on what we can change, improve, automate, and enhance to keep making our clients’ lives better and better. Just because “things work” does not mean nothing needs to change.
It’s clear my teammates at Firmatek believe this as well. I work with Product Marketing, Field Techs, Engineering, Processing, Drone Solutions, Operations, Leadership daily. From jumping into everything about how different teams and processes work, to implementing new processes and tools via Firmatek Cloud, it’s great to be part of leading the next wave of steps for all our customers. On top of that, working on improving processes with different internal teams to align with the future of our company is refreshing and rewarding— case in point, the successful launch of Firmatek Cloud.
Connecting my Why with Firmatek and Customers
It’s easy to get confused when thinking about what life’s purpose is, especially when it comes to your work. For me, work is part of life. It is not a separate entity. For everyone on this planet, the reality is that if work is an unhappy experience, the rest of life will reflect that. Since my purpose is to live a happy life, I focus on removing unhappiness and confusion for myself and others. You cannot make others happy if you yourself are not happy. On the same level, if you are unhappy with your job, you cannot make life and work happier for your customers.
I love knowing and having a heart in everything the company does. I have always focused on making sure I am part of the client’s workflow and success. We want our customers to realize that by partnering with us, we prioritize working with them to improve their operations and make their lives easier. It’s another benefit of working at Firmatek. Customers realize we are part of their team. That is rare at most companies and it fuels my Why.
I look forward to the next 10 years and beyond at Firmatek with Chris and others. Here’s to an awesome today and an awesome future to all of us and all our clients!
About Agha Zain:
Agha has managed many Product, Software, UI/UX, Marketing and Customer Support teams at different companies. He previously created and worked on some of the most popular data analytics platforms in the world, like creating App Annie’s Usage Analytics product from scratch as the sole Product person, and Enterprise Software and Mobile backends and apps, like SurfEasy, Opera VPN, and Norton Secure VPN from scratch.
At Firmatek, he leads and is responsible for all Product and Software development and output. He works full-time on software development, product features and roadmap, specific details and requirements, UI/UX mockups, and wireframes. Alongside Firmatek President and COO Rob Wyssbrod, Agha Zain led the development of the newly launched Firmatek Cloud.